Friday, December 31, 2010

TNT FNMoT *1-4*

Yeah.... I don't want to talk about it.... It was bad.... My only win was against little 10-year old Corey.... But despite completely scrubbing out, it's not to say it was a complete waste of time. I did do some awesome trades that got me an Elspeth, which I will be adding to the UW Superfriends list (Elspeth -2, Venser +2 on Elspeth, think about it). In that same trade, I also got a Goblin Guide, which was also very helpful.

But back to me losing. I played almost the same list that I posted here, but I couldn't get any Inquisition of Kozeliks, so I had to settle for Mind Rot instead. I definitely think that was the wrong card to replace it with, because having counterspells would have been more useful. I'm not going to go round by round, because I will just whine about losing to this, losing to that, and losing in general. If you care, here is my TL;DR round by round:

Round 1: UR Counter-Burn

Round 2: MG Elves

Round 3: RUG

Round 4: UW Control

Round 5: RUG

So I didn't do much winning. However, after talking to Nick after he beat me (Round 4 UW Control) he suggested I cut my Plague Stingers for more control cards as hacing Skittles almost garuntees me a win anyways. I realized he was right. Maybe my problem is that the deck was focused enough. As Flores put it best, misassignment of role = game loss. I was always trying to be the beatdown turns 2-4 and the control for the rest of the game. The problem with that is if I want to be aggro, I need to do things like tap out for t2 Plague Stinger, which lets them resolve their Jace or something. Late game, I would need a solid spell and I would draw a Stinger which would do nothing for me. Basically, having more control cards and a 3rd Skittles is what I should go for next. Nick also suggested using Contagion Clasp as it could kill a Lotus Cobra or something and proliferate them to death later. If I do that, I think it will take up some board space though. If I am doing a ton of proliferating, I think I may throw in a single Lux Cannon for kicks. The card is amazing, it's just not fast enough on it's own, so the proliferate engines help it become epic again.

I will not give up on poison (and it's only going to get better as more infect cards are released), and soon ALL WILL BE ONE!

Until next time, stay classy!

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