Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Greek Onslaught

I have been thinking in the back of my mind for some time about making a really cool Mass Polymorph deck, but I never could think of what to have it do. A couple months ago, before Scars was released, Wizards posted this deck on their daily decklist. It was really interesting, and the combination of Stormtide Leviathan, Iona, and Emrakul is devastating. But I do wonder if it is completely consistant. There are only 12 cards in the deck that even make tokens (Khalni Garden, Elspeth, Martial Coup). However, sticking to my roots, I wanted to build a UG polymorph deck.

At the same time, I was thinking about how to make a sick Beastmaster Ascension deck, like the one that Zvi made for the Zendikar Block Pro Tour.

Then it hit me....

Why not combine them!?!?!

Here's the list:

4x Nest Invader
4x Kozelik's Predator
1x Iona, Shield of Emeria
1x Stormtide Leviathan
1x Emrakul, the Aeons Torn

4x Mass Polymorph
4x Growth Spasm
4x Preordain
4x See Beyond

4x Awakening Zone
3x Beastmaster Ascension

3x Jace Beleran

4x Misty Rainforest
1x Terramorphic Expanse
4x Khalni Garden
3x Halimar Depths
4x Forest
4x Island
3x Tectonic Edge

4x Overgrown Battlement (Aggro)
3x Frost Titan (Control)
4x Mana Leak (Everything)
1x Jace Beleran (Control)
3x Hornet Sting?

So here is how this deck works: Early game you want to get something like Nest Invader or Awakening Zone down to start getting a smattering of spawn in play. Meanwhile, you want to use cards like Jace Beleran, See Beyond, and Preordain to grab your 2 essential pieces (Ascension and Polymorph). Then get your Mass Polymorph off and go to town!

Now I haven't actually played this deck, and I haven't even actually built it yet, but here are some random notes about the deck rummaging through my head

-You have 11 creatures in the deck, with 3 of them being prime targets. Keep a mental note of how many creatures there are left in your deck as you get closer to going off.
-Beastmaster Ascension isn't very necessary. It can be fun to talk about how you just attacked your opponent for 85, but they only have 20 life, and you have Emrakul
-Frost Titan doubled and a half in price because Control became so popular and Frost Titan puts you way ahead against control because they run so few threats and Frost Titan stops 1 from doing anything.
-Mana Leak should come in against almost everything, but the reason it's not in the main is because if a deck doesn't see any game 1, they might not see it coming games 2 and 3 and a well timed counterspell can change games dramatically
-Jace Wars need to be won. Period.
-This deck lacks removal, which is devastating. That's why Hornet Sting is there. I was thinking that it would help against Lotus Cobra in RUG or Viscera Seer in Vampires, but as a 1 damage shot, it doesn't do a whole lot...

So that's what I was thinking about today, but I still have some UW Phyrexia and GW Allies to get to. Until next time, stay classy!

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