Sunday, October 10, 2010

October Secondary Market Update

I was planning on writing this article a week ago, but life happened and I never got around to it. Regardless, let's take a look at our current prices. I will be using Star City Games prices because that is what I used last month, but then in [brackets] I will have the Channel Fireball prices because I think they overall charge lower, and that's who I prefer doing business with

So without further ado, here's Scars of Mirroden Mythics:

Elspeth Tirel - 40 [36]
Geth, Lord of the Vault - 5 [3]
Indomitable Angel - 6 [6]
Koth of the Hammer - 50 [46]
Liege of the Tangle - 3 [2.50]
Lux Cannon - 5 [5]
Mindslaver - 4 [3]
Molten Tail Masticore - 20 [27]
Mox Opal - 40 [35]
Platinum Emperion - 4 [2.25]
Quicksilver Gargantuan - 2.50 [1]
Skithryx, the Blight Dragon - 12 [16]
Sword of Body and Mind - 12.50 [8.50]
Venser, the Sojourner - 50 [34]
Wurmcoil Engine - 20 [14]

Magic 2011
Ajani Goldmane - 5 [4]
Baneslayer Angel - 25 [19]
Chandra Nalaar - 4 [2.50]
Demon of Death's Gate - 2 [1.25]
Frost Titan - 8 [7]
Gaea's Revenge - 4 [3]
Garruk Wildspeaker - 8 [6]
Grave Titan - 16 [14.50]
Inferno Titan - 8 [7]
Jace Beleran - 6 [6]
Lilliana Vess - 5 [3.25]
Platinum Angel - 3 [1.25]
Primeval Titan - 40 [37]
Sun Titan - 8 [7]
Time Reversal - 3 [2]

Rise of the Eldrazi
All is Dust - 20 [17]
Cast Through Time - 1.50 [1]
Emrakul, the Aeons Torn - 10 [10]
Gideon Jura - 22.50 [30]
Hellcarver Demon - 1.50 [1]
Kargan Dragonlord - 15 [15]
Khalni Hydra - 4 [4]
Kozelik, the Butcher of Truth - 10 [9]
Lighthouse Chronologist - 5 [4]
Linvala, Keeper of Silence - 8 [7]
Nirkana Revenant - 5 [4]
Sarkhan the Mad - 8 [7.25]
Transcendant Master - 4 [4]
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre - 10 [8]
Vengevine - 45 [40]

The averages for the mythics of these sets are:
Scars of Mirroden: 18.27 [15.95]
Magic 2011: 9.67 [8.05]
Rise of the Eldrazi: 11.30 [10.75]

Compared to last month's report, the average price of Magic 2011 dropped $2.70 on SCG. However, notice how Rise of the Eldrazi went UP by $1.13. 7 of the ROE mythics have gone up in value in the past month. I can understand some of them, like the 3 legendary Eldrazi going up by $2 each due to the popularity of mono-green ramp, but I really don't know why Vengevine went up by $10! My only guess is that because Path to Exile rotated out of standard, there is only Journey to Nowhere to remove it from the game (but then Naturalize can bring it right back).

I personally feel that Scars singles are going to plummet in the next couple months. First, when a set first comes out, everyone is hyped up and mis-evaluate cards. For example, Time Reversal started at $30, but now it goes for $2. On the other hand, when Tarmogoyf first came out, it was less than $10 for a couple months before everyone realized it's insane and it went up to $100 (now that it's no longer in extended, it's about $50).

Based on mythics alone, you would open $73.08 [63.80] in Mythics each time you open a box. When I opened my box, my mythics were:
Lux Cannon - 5 [5]
Liege of the Tangle - 3 [2.50]
Elspeth Tirel - 40 [36]
Wurmcoil Engine - 20 [14]

So my total value in mythics was $68 [57.50], which is only slightly below average. However, a box isn't rated solely on it's mythics, there's about 32 rares in there too! Here's the top 8 rares in Scars:

Ratchet Bomb - 10 [9]
Hand of the Praetors - 6 [6]
Mimic Vat - 4 [5]
Ezuri, Renegade Leader - 2.50 [4]
Grand Architect - 5 [3]
Tempered Steel - 3 [3]
Dual Lands - 3 [2-3]
(All others $2 or less)

In case you're wondering I did open Ratchet Bomb, Tempered Steel, and 4 dual lands in my box. Right now, I feel like if you open planeswalkers from Scars, you should sell them unless its name is Koth of the Hammer. I think Koth is the only planeswalker of the three that will hold its value (which is why I didn't complain about trading Elspeth for Koth 1 - 1).

From now on for these monthly reports, I will be using Channel Fireball prices. I am a much bigger fan of Channel Fireball than I am of Star City Games for many reasons. Aside from pricing, I don't like how you have to pay $30 a year to see the premium articles on Star City Games. I would rather not pay if I don't have to, and the free articles typically aren't the most exciting articles. Channel Fireball is all free, and have been using lots of videos since they started (which is why they're called CHANNEL fireball). In fact, right now they have a draft video by a different person every day! If you're not like me and really enjoy drafting, then you can completely overdose on draft videos there. Star City Games is just starting to post videos too, but they're a little late to the show. One thing that I think is funny and awesome at the same time is how the Ruel brothers, Antoine and Olivier, went from the premium side of Star City Games to Channel Fireball about 2 weeks ago, so now I can get the Hall of Famer's articles for free =D.

That's all for now, I hope you have a glorious day, and be sure to stay classy

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