Sunday, October 3, 2010

Post Rotation Decks Episode 10: Don't Koth at this Idea

Well even though I just said in the last deck idea post that I wouldn't have intros, this one does require some preamble. As we know, Scars has 3 planeswalkers that are all selling for $40-50. Mark and I put together a solid Venser deck, but he has the decklist (so Mark use that list as a blog topic! If you do I will link to it). Episode 6 of this series covered my idea of what to do with Elspeth, but what about Koth? Well the obvious first thought is mono-red. Mark and I made a mono-red deck when we were hanging out the other day which ran 4 Koth. However due to the loss of Hell's Thunder, Hellspark Elemental, and Ball Lightning mono-red is much slower. While big red may be a deck of some kind, pumping out Inferno Titans for big finishers, I want to try going red/green for more mountains to make koth better. Here is my first idea of what you could do:

4x Inferno Titan
3x Primeval Titan
4x Goblin Guide
4x Kargan Dragonlord

4x Koth of the Hammer

4x Lightning Bolt
2x Arc Trail
2x Comet Storm
4x Harrow
4x Khalni Heart Expedition

4x Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
8x Forest
13x Mountain

Obviously this is very similar to the GR Valakut Prime Time deck, but once again, I made some updates and variations to it. My biggest problem before was that the mana base didn't match the spells even remotely. With this deck, I just used my mana calulator program to get a rough estimate on my mana base, moved one red mana to green, then cut 4 mountains for Valakut. Instead of going for big spells that take all of your mana, this deck is all about removal and small guys to bring the early pressure (and if you draw the dragonlord late game he is still relevant), then toss in some ramp and the titans come down followed by Koth and everything starts blowing up. Removal is at a suprising low right now, but this deck has it all. Cool sideboard coards include shatter and combust, so you can specialize your removal to the deck your against.

Koth is an insanely powerful attacker. Should he ever actually ultimate it is effectively impossible to lose because you have 7-8 completely customizable damage every turn to eat Baneslayers with, or if they don't drop anything to kill you can attack their life total. This sounds like another cool deck that could be fun to use if you already have 95% of the pieces (Mark)

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