Saturday, October 2, 2010

Post Rotation Decks Episode 5: A Relentless Assault

Hey, what a suprise, another new deck! Well actually this is technically a deck that you could have built for the last 7 years since Mirroden came out, but I wouldn't feel like a complete fool actually using it today. It's a Relentless Rats deck, but check this out:

20x Relentless Rats
2x Grave Titan

4x Memoricide
3x Sadistic Sacrament
3x Doom Blade
4x Sign in Blood
3x Grasp of Darkness

13x Swamp
4x Verdant Catacombs
4x Marsh Flats

Now this deck is incredibly basic, but it gets the job done. Relentless Rats starts as a 2/2 for 3, not exciting but not appaling either (see Scornful Egotist [although i did read a really cool combo for this card I will talk about eventually]). As the Rats start piling up, so does the damage and the beats. What from Scars made this deck so much better? Well... the only Scars card in the list, Memoricide. Imagine playing Memoricide turn 4, naming Day of Judgement. Now their one out against you is no longer viable. Soon, the Rat's power and toughness should exceed the threshold of getting killed by damage and cards like Condemn don't actually do much to it. It's not like 1/3 of the deck is Relentless Rats or anything.... Also, Sadistic Sacrament fills that same role, but the Sacrament is good if you don't actually know what your opponent is playing Game 1, especially if you can recognize it as a polymorph deck or something and can remove all their boom booms. I felt it was necessary to put in 2x Grave Titan simply because one not being answered can win you the game by itself. Now if something weird happens and they pull Maelstrum Pulse out of Alara and somehow play it in a Standard event, you still have creatures that demand to be dealt with.

I think I will actually build this deck too because everyone has Relentless Rats, but noone is willing to actually put it all together and try it out. The only expensive cards after Grave Titan are the fetch lands, which everyone should have regardless because they're so good.

That is all for now, I have been typing for 2 hours and it's just passing 3:15am, so I think I might go to sleep. Might. But anyways, until next time never doubt the bulk rare

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