Thursday, May 13, 2010

Feelin the Blues

So it has been less that 24 hours since i last posted something here (posted at 11:45 pm on the 12th, and i'm starting this at 4:30pm on the 13th), but I had to point out that there is an article today on Channel Fireball that amplifies the point i made in my previous post on cost of decks. Heres the link:

His polymorph deck costs $400, but after cuttign 4x Jace TMS it comes all the way down to $120, which is about where mine sat.

Answering my own question, I have come up with a sideboard, and reasons for the sideboard:

4x Negate - This deck only runs 1 set of counterspells, and negate is very useful. The most dangerous spells for morphing is a spell, not a creature (Day of Judgement, Oblivion Ring, Sadistic Sacrament <-- more on this in a minute)

1x Iona, Shield of Emeria - Imagine sitting across from the polymorph player running your mono-colored deck (Soldiers/White Weenies, Red Deck Wins, Vampires, Elves) and they polymorph. You were ready for this of course, and have a simple answer in the form of Day of Judgement, or somply by racing. But wait, that's not Emrakul, that's Iona, which means you aren't allowed to cast spells for the rest of the game. And now everything is getting bounced back to your hand...

4x Sleep - The worst thing for this deck is the aggresive creature based matchup. If you are getting beaten down by your oppenents creatures, this card will stop them for a turn, which could be enough to put that last piece together to morph into a freak of awesomeness, leaving you with enough of a life coushin to be comfortable

3x Unsummon - Another bounce spell for creatures can help slow down bad matchups

3x Fog - Another card to use as defense against creature matchups

I feel this deck will literally polymorph against creature heavy decks, because getting rushed is very bad. DJ made a Veggie Zoo deck that tops out at 4, this stops at 15. One card that I am going to piece into the maindeck somehow is Mind Spring. I think it may replace 2x Spreading Seas as a better card drawer. It's not efficient unless you are drawing 4 more more cards (6 mana +), so thats why we only want 2.

I said I would get back to it, and here it is; the perfect card to stop polymorph is Sadistic Sacrament. I was texting mark at 1am last night/this morning and he sent me on the hunt to find the sole black card (he will be running vampires) that can force me to concede without much question. After a couple honest guesses and a few cards that absolutely stink but would get the job done, I finally found the culprit. All he has to do is find my Emrakul or Iona and Exile it, along with 2 other cards that will no longer matter. I could play on, but i would be left with card drawing, 0/1 tokens, bounce spells, and counter spells. None of these cards can make me win, so I could only resign from there. Sadistic Sacrament on only effectively be run in a mono black deck however, because it costs BBB.

On a completely irrelated note, I was going through my decks yesterday and came upon an odd realization: I play a ton of blue! I have my decks split between 2 fat pack boxes: ROE fat pack for my good decks (6) and M10 fat pack for my weak decks (5). I was only looking at the good decks for this. Heres the list of those good decks:

Big Green - G
Izzet - UR
Vampires - B
Bant Allies - GWU
Polymorph - GU
Enchanting Angels - WU

Heres how they breakdown by color:

White: 2 decks
Blue: 4 decks
Black: 1 deck
Red: 1 deck
Green: 3 decks

I didn't realize how bant-aligned I was until this! Over the summer, when I was a horrid n00b who simply played with whatever I had in the form of a 73 card singleton deck with no synergy, I played bant - whatever - i - open - in - random - booster - packs. Also, I felt like rares were strictly better than commons no matter what, so I simply piled all the rares I had in color together. Interestingly enough, I didn't win much.

I think I like to play those colors because I like to play on the safer side. I prefer playing control over aggro. Interesting as well is the fact that I have a BR discard deck in my "bad decks" pile. Maybe I should update that and make it sweet? Anyways, it's chores time, so it is time for me to sign off, peace out.

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