Sunday, May 16, 2010

Deckbuilder's Toolkit/Archenemy Thoughts

I noticed that over 50% of my posts are written and posted between the times of 11pm and 2am, and this one won't disappoint. It's 11:45 pm, and im just starting to write this now.

Theres a new magic product coming out very soon, May 21st, that i have been getting exciting over for a long time, since wizards announced it back on November 3rd ( It's called the Deck Builder's toolkit. This thing is an amazing deal for anyone who is new to the game, or anyone who doesn't have a collection of standard cards (Shards block, M10, Zendikar block). For $20 heres what you get:

100 basic lands (20 each of M10 art)
4 booster packs (random, but all from standard: Shards of Alara, Conflux, Alara Reborn, M10, Zendikar, Worldwake, Rise of the Eldrazi)
125 random cards (100 common, 25 uncommon, all standard)
How to play guide
How to build a deck guide [that actually looks cool simply by itself]
Cool looking box to carry cards and decks in

I think this is simply an awesome deal because $16 can get you the 4 boosters, so you may want to think along the lines of getting 100 lands, 125 extra cards, guides, and a box all for $4.

Heres a link to where Evan Erwin, the guy who has a weekly show creatively named that magic show, opens up a toolkit, and battles his friend who has done the same:

I know I personally will not be getting this, but only because I don't need it. I already have a solid collection, and the lands and bonus cards, which this really focuses on, aren't needed. Despite my own not needing, this is something i am going to reccomend to any of my friends who are new or coming back to magic. Wizards has been pushing to build up its mtg players base, and its working. There are more active players now than there ever was before in magic's history, and more product is being bought than ever before, despite how they dramatically shrunk the amount of cards they print each year starting with Shards block. (1110 cards printed during Time Spiral Block + 10th edition, 892 cards printed during Lorwyn/Shadowmoor block, 748 cards printed during Shards block + M10).

This product is another example of wizards making it easy for a new player to join. Think about this: you have a buddy who comes over while you are in the middle of an epic duel. He sees you guys going back and forth hanging on the edge of your next draw step. Soon, you play your finisher, and he plays counterspell. Yelling goes back and forth, the scene builds up even more. Your friend sees you in the midst of all this, and after the dust settles he may say something like, "What was that? Can I play?" Now he sits down plays a game or 2 with 3 different decks and picks his favorite. By the end of the day, he is probably wondering where do you get this stuff.

Before, when that situation would occur, you could say, "Hey, let's go down to Webhead and get you an intro deck". He goes, picks up intro deck, plays, and leaves satisfied. Now he wants to expand his collection. He really wants a certain card he played with earlier. Now you have to explain to him how there are different sets with different concepts behind them and different cards in each one. He gets a little confused, and you ultimately have to pick the pakcs for him.

Now, lets fast forward to later this week when the toolkit goes live. Post intro deck, you can give him the toolkit (birthday present?), and he gets the whole deal. He has storage, packs, cards, lands, and some tips & tricks. Soon he will be cardslinging something that will make you think twice (cuz as good as the intro decks are.... they're not high caliber).

Overall, I would say that this is a win for Wizards. This looks like an excellent product that I will refer my friends to. The only thing that is missing is a D20 life counter. However, this box isn't attached to any set, so there is no obvious choice as to what symbol would fill the 20 slot. Maybe M10? Anyways, I think this box is also another cool random limited format. 2 guys open toolkits, make decks, and fight for dominance.


Because I started writing this so late, It took me into tomorrow to finish the above portion and Daily MTG has been updated for Monday. One of the articles is on the rules for the new format Archenemy (

The first thing i thought of... well really the second.... was how it reminded me of Planeschase. If you don't remember what planeschase was, its because it came, went, and fizzled fast. Basically, planeschase was a multiplayer format where each player has a planes deck and you could plaeswalk from plane to plane, where each plane has an ability that changes the entire game. For example, one of the planes was Llanowar, which gave every creature in play (yours and your oppenents) the ability [TAP: add GG to your mana pool]. This would help you if you had green in your deck, but would not necessarily hurt you if you didn't because you could fill the colorless part of your spells with it. As cool as it sounds, wizards hasn't supported it since its release and it has since faded out of relevent memory.

The first thing i thought of was how great and useful these new rules would be because whenever I play in a multiplayer game with my friends, everyone teams up to kill me before fighting eachother. If we set it up so that I was the archenemy, i may have a fair chance and it would be really cool.

The archenemy decks go for $25 for a 60 card deck with 20 scheme cards (read the article for more info). Decklists will probably be out next week, and I will chat about those a little when it happens. The 4 decks are:

Bring about the Undead Apocalypse (BR)
Assemble the Doomsday Machine (WUB)
Trample Civilization Underfoot (GW)
Scorch the World With Dragonfire (GR)

First, the deck names are epic. I think i like Assemble the Doomsday Machine the best, but Scorch the World With Dragonfire is a very close second. The other 2 have been used before.

As far as this set goes, I think I will hold off for now, unless there is a phenominal deck, but I will use the rules for play around the kitchen table. I can't really saw much more about Archenemy without any raw info, so i'm signing off for now. Have fun out there

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