Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Beseiged with Spoilers!

It's (one of) the most wonderful time of the year! Spoiler season has officially started for Mirroden Beseiged, and we already have a $20 card! Now, that's probably not the best way to say things are going well, but at least the cards don't suck. You can find the 2 Monday preview articles here and here. Lat me start with those 2 cards. First, Thrun is STUPIDLY POWERFUL!!! Seriously, this guy is absolutely overpowered! A 4/4 for 4 is cool and all, but flipping off the control decks with can't be countered, troll shroud, AND regeneration is nuts! This is the card that is going for $20 on SCG currently. When I first say the card I said to myself "I wouldn't pay more than 8 for him" but I guess some other people will. While I am on the topic of paying an insane amount of money for cards, guess how much Thoughtseize is currently selling for? Come on, take a guess...


I kid you not, look it up. I must say, this makes me feel awesome! I have 3. I traded for 2 at 15 each and 1 at 12. So my $42 investment is currently worth $95.16. So if I were to sell them at 2/3 value, I would get $63.75. I'm thinking that wouldn't be a bad choice at all right now. The only question is whether or not Thoughtseize will come back down after it rotates out of Extended. Also, I use the card to much success in my Reanimator deck, which will see play at GP Providence and the SCG Legacy Open. I will have to take some time to consider all of this.

One more financial tip that I can use to segway back into the previews is this: I think Stoneforge Mystic is going to go up as Living Weapon enters the scene. Mark Rosewater's article showed us a colorless Lhurgoyf that simply can not be killed. I think Living Weapon has many more tricks up its sleeves which can really change how decks function. Normally i have thought of Equipment as support spells, but now they are creatures too. Oh yeah, and Stoneforge has that ability to just drop the equipment strait into play so it can't be countered (and can even save you some mana).

So right now the midnight bridge has been crossed, and the Tuesday previews are up. We have a common just for draft, and we have Serious Fun, a column I never read and simply decided to check out the preview from it. Man! What an epic card! The only card that he has ever previewed that I have liked before (as far as I can remember) was Genesis Wave. However, this card is seriously good. Some people say that Control matchups are all about who gets a Jace first because the card advantage is incredible, but that's all false when the Sphinx hits play! Oh, you're brainstorming?! Ok, I will draw 6 as you put 2 back. Don't even get into multiplayer games.... If you are the Emperor with this guy out, you will probably deck yourself before anything happens, you will be drawing so much! Oh, and it's Phyrexian =D

Now, it would be boring if we only got spoilers from WotC, so let's check out what has been poppin up on other sites!

This has been around for just a couple days, but I don't think I have mentioned it. While not an exciting card on its own, it is certainly a very important tool for the Infect deck though. Getting Putrafax on turn 4 instead of 5 is something I never told myself was a bad idea! The fact that this has infect is obviously significant as there comes a time when every man must stand up and fight for their faction, even the mana making slaves! This is an automatic 4-of in the infect deck, which I am even more excited now to sleeve up!

An important part to winning the war it to know thy enemy. Thanks to this card, metalcraft could be lurking around every corner. Be weary when them Mirrans have 2W up as it is pretty obvious they have a trick up their sleeves.

I have heard some complaints saying that Valakut is too fragile of a deck as it needs to draw all the right cards to work. Sometimes Summoning Trap misses and your looking awkwardly at your 6 mana Overgrown Battlement. However, the more I have been playing Reanimator, the more I have been in love with tutors. This is an incredibly powerful tutor, as it can grab Primeval Titan for only a single green as opposed to double (which is important if they are attacking your green sources) for just 1 mana more, which isn't a problem in a ramp deck. Also, if they go for the Brad Nelson (who just went from CFB to SCG) attack the mountains and Valakut route, this can fetch Avenger of Zendikar and take the game from a different angle.

This would be a very cool cycle, and this is a great card as there is nothing quite like recursive removal (Chandra, Gideon). While this doesn't let you kill comething every turn, you can continue to draw this card over the course of the game and get the most for your mana (that feels like it should be a slogan for a Magic shop, like how Market Basket gets you "more for your dollar")

Anyways, that is all for now. I am going to grab some sleep if I can while thinking about the epicness that Thrun and the new Sphinx will bring. Seriously, I stopped everything I was doing for a good 15 seconds when I saw that Sphinx. I think it will appear in my next U/x control deck.

Until next time, stay classy!

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