Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hello Again World

Wow, it has been a while since I have updated this blog due to my working at Boy Scout Summer Camp, but fear not for I am back!

Up in the land I love so well there was a ton of Magic to be had. In fact, it was because of working there last year that I even got back into Magic because a dozen or so people played. However, I became a million times better over the course of this last school year and it reflected in the games all summer.

Sometimes it's easy to get caught up in winning your game of Magic instead of simply having fun. At camp, Magic is all about having a good time and relieving stress/pent up rage in a can. Decks weren't made of 4x Baneslayer and other $50 cards, instead it was whatever you opened up in your booster packs. The only valuable cards I saw there were 1x Gideon Jura (opened by a guy just getting into it from the ROE pack in a Deckbuilder's Toolkit) and 2x Kozelik, Butcher of Truth (1 I traded for, the other was owned by a guy who almost didn't play all summer). That being said, the games were all alot cooler because there were less blowouts.

Now that I am back though, I look at the 3 decks I wasn't finished building when I left: Titan Force, Lifegain, and Mill Kill. I am leaving one of my bragging points for a short time *gasp*, and I intent to get some more expensive cards in the form of Primeval Titan ($50), Baneslayer Angel ($30), and Elspeth, Knight Errant ($40).

Well actually I'm not buying the Titan. I backdrafted one after a draft with the local friends, and then in another draft I backdrafted some Fauna Shamans. The fauna shamans got traded with a little cash for a pair of Primeval Titans, and now my friend Mark has the 4th one on hand for trading when we get together again.

Anyways, I don't have much more to talk about except to say, "Hey I'm back!"

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