Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Modern Dredge Combo v2.0

Hello everyone! Recently I was looking back at modern dredge, and I realized that while legacy may be too fast for Gravecrawler to make a cameo, Modern is slow enough by design for it to make an impact. Gravecrawler synergizes beautifully with Bridge from Below, so I knew I wanted to make a deck around those two:

4x Drowned Resulka
4x Hedron Crab
4x Magus of the Bazaar
4x Viscera Seer

1x Golgari Thug
4x Shambling Shell
4x Stinkweed Imp

4x Bloodghast
4x Gravecrawler
1x Skaab Ruinator
4x Vengevine

4x Bridge from Below
1x Darkblast
1x Life from the Loam

1x Godless Shrine
3x Watery Grave
2x Overgrown Tomb
2x Swamp
4x Verdant Catacombs
3x Marsh Flats
1x Creeping Tar Pit

4x Nature's Claim
1x Elesh Norn
1x Iona
2x Unburial Rites
3x Memory's Journey
4x Duress

The one problem I have noticed with this deck in testing is the lack of interactivity and the lack of going over the top. It sits awkwardly right in the middle. However, it has been testing very well despite those apparent issues. Even when my opponent plays something like Grafdigger's Cage, as long as I have a Viscera Seer in play I can just draw a creature from the yard with dredge and turn it into zombies every turn for the rest of the game. In fact, if that creature with dredge is Shambling Shell, then I don't even need the viscera seer!

This deck has been doing incredible against the control decks, but it has been soft to combo decks. If there is enough combo, I may add Inquisition of Kozelik to the mix too in order to disrupt the opponent enough to allow me to beat in. Aggro is another interesting matchup. On one hand, they can never really profitably trade, but on the other, I really can't rely on bridges. Some games though, I am given the window of opportunity to make a huge army and they can never outrace me.

By the way, every good deck is supposed to have a nut draw, so how do you beat this opener?

T1: Hedron Crab
T2: mill 6 off fetchland, viscera seer + gravecrawler or Magus of the Bazaar
T3: Crazy shit happens!

On turn 3, you have many avenues available. If you went for the magus, then you can upkeep dredge (upkeep is better than main phase in case dredgers don't chain you can discard a dredger for the draw step). If you went for the Seer + Gravecrawler, then if you have at least 1 bridge form below you can make a zombie horde. Also don't forget about Bloodghast triggers if you have any! More free Zombies! If you have no lands in hand, you could even sac the crab for another 2 or 4 power to speed up the clock a little. Remember, while you are recasting gravecrawlers, you are casting creature spells that may trigger any vengevines in your yard, so you may get to punch in for 4 right off the bat!

The difference between this deck and the legacy version is that in this deck you aren't as all-in on the graveyard, so you are less impacted by graveyard hate. This means opponents need twice the answers to every threat. If they answer it in play, they have to deal with it again in the graveyard.

I was playing against one opponent who confidently cast Firespout while I had 2 creatures in play and some 20 zombies. In response I cracked my fetchland and recurred my 3 Bloodghasts and let his sweeper resolve. I triggered 2 bridges per dude and casually placed 20 power worth of zombie into play. Needless to say he scooped them right up.

If you're looking for a very fun modern deck that packs a punch, try out Dredge v2.0! If you are looking for ways to customize this deck for yourself, one thing to consider is Unearth cards like in the previous version of the deck.

That's all I have for today! When in doubt... BRAAAIIIINNNS! Until next time, stay classy!

Ryan Lackie

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